My Plant Path

I am an herbalist, flower essence practitioner and certified aromatherapist.

As I stated before, it’s said that you don’t choose to be an herbalist that the plants choose you. Looking back, I realize that the plants started calling about 2004 when I myself went to see an herbalist. Through working with her, I became interested and wanted to learn more about herbs.

My official education began in 2006. It became obvious, rather quickly, that there is a lot to learn and that it’s not possible to know everything. So as long as I want to do this, I will always be learning and researching.

I earned my Family Herbalist Certificate in 2007. During that year two things stood out to me. One was to look for the root cause behind someone’s illness or symptoms. The second was that true health means more than just physical health, it is mental, emotional, spiritual health as well.

Between becoming a total herb nerd and wanting to find other modalities that would address my holistic view, I began studying aromatherapy and flower essences. I became a Bach Flower Practitioner in 2010 and while I dabbled in aromatherapy, I didn’t get my actual certification until 2012.

I continued with my herbal studies, earning my Community Herbalist Certificate in 2011 and Diploma in Herbal Studies in 2014.

Today, I keep up with my education through conferences, workshops and taking additional courses. I love learning about the history of herbs, herbs that are not common and how certain herbs get ‘bad reputations’.