What’s hip about Rose hips

What’s hip about Rose hips

Latin Binomial: Rosa canina The rose plant offers many benefits. The petals, leaves and roots have been used for just about everything from aromatherapy to flower essences to, of course, herbalism. This would be a very long post if I were to include all of that here...
Floral Bouquet Bath

Floral Bouquet Bath

This is a great bath to take after a stressful day or long day at work. It is relaxing, calming and soothing. The essential oils are known to be good for the skin and non-irritating, however, it is possible for someone to have a sensitivity or allergic reaction. So be...
2 Simple Remedies for Coughs and Colds

2 Simple Remedies for Coughs and Colds

I first learned about these 2 remedies from Rosemary Gladstar but they have been around for a long time. They are simple and easy to make with ingredients you have right in your kitchen. You can use either one throughout the Winter whenever you feel ‘under the...
5 Tips for Winter Health

5 Tips for Winter Health

I often get asked how to stay healthy during the Winter to avoid a cold or the flu, however there is more to it than just naming an herb. Whether we end up getting sick really depends on our immune system and how susceptible we are. Susceptibility depends on factors...
4 Halloween Herbs & their Health Benefits

4 Halloween Herbs & their Health Benefits

I love Halloween! So I thought it would be fun to create a post that not only informed you of the health benefits of these herbs but a little of the folklore. Hope you enjoy! 1. Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) Of course, what’s Halloween without Pumpkins? When you...