This is a great bath to take after a stressful day or long day at work. It is relaxing, calming and soothing. The essential oils are known to be good for the skin and non-irritating, however, it is possible for someone to have a sensitivity or allergic reaction. So be careful.

1 cup       Salt (this can be Sea Salt, Epsom Salt, or both)
4 drops   Lavender essential oil
4 drops   Palmarosa essential oil
2 drops   Geranium essential oil

If you are going to use both Epsom and Sea salt, mix the salts first. Add the essential oils next and mix well. Store in a jar and label with the date that you made them. When you’re ready for a bath, pour 2-4 ounces of the bath salts under running water to dissolve them. Relax and enjoy your bath! The unused portion should last up to 6 months.

Check out the Safety page for additional tips for proper use. If you have a skin condition, take medication, or anything else that you find questionable, make sure to do your due diligence before trying this bath.

Do you know someone who might enjoy this bath? Feel free to share it.

Until next time…

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