Now that it’s Spring, it’s that time. Time to spring clean. So I thought that I would share with you one of my favorite cleaning recipes. This recipe came from Jeanne Rose.

Recipe: Take 1 gallon of white distilled vinegar. Add 1 lemon peel and 1 orange peel. Let it sit for a couple of days. Shake it up before you use it. You can add more peels if you want but 1 each works well.

I use it on floors, windows, sinks, and the shower. The vinegar dissolves soap and mineral deposits, prevents mold, and is an all-around cleaner. The orange and lemon peels are antibacterial, deodorizing, and can cut through grease.

I love making my own cleaning products. They’re cheaper, you don’t have to worry about all the chemicals, and they often work better than the name brand products. If you’re interested in making your own, there are some great books out there. Two of my favorites are Clean House Clean Planet by Karen Logan and Green Clean by Linda Mason Hunter and Mikki Halpin. They not only give you great recipes but they also discuss the chemicals in ordinary cleaners.

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Until next time…

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